Thursday, November 18, 2010


Someone in my bible study used the word bitter to describe herself, and it just resounded within me...
I even wrote it in my notebook/journal...
I am bitter. I have been for a few years.
Two of the defintions I found for bitter are: Hard to bear, grievous, distressful   and   causing pain, piercing, stinging.
I have become a bitter person.
I don't like that about myself.
I don't know how to change it.
And I'm unjustified in it.
I'm bitter because my husband lost his job two years ago, and hasn't had steady work since, but alot of people are out of work and struggling right now.
I'm bitter because I can't get pregnant on my own, and we want more children desperately, but alot of people can never get pregnant, some people get pregnant and lose their babies, their children, I have NO right to be bitter about my infertility and yet, I am.
I'm bitter because I can't lose weight.
I'm bitter because I feel ugly.
I'm bitter because my family is without our own home right now. I'm bitter that I had to leave the little house I loved on Emerson Av. because we couldn't afford it. But I am blessed by my parents generosity in letting us stay with them.
I'm bitter that my van refuses to run for more than 3 months at a time. I'm bitter that my husband's car has a broken window we can't find a replacement for, or been able to fix ourselves, and my kids have to be bundled head to foot and still freeze when riding in it. But I am blessed to be able to use my dad's car alot of the time.
I'm bitter that I feel my place is home with my children and yet others think and suggest I should be working. I'm just bitter. Blessed in so many ways, yet I still can't help but feel disouraged by all of these things, and so, I'm bitter.

1 comment:

  1. I think we all have what I like to call out "greatest hits" of sins. It is hard enough to admit them to ourselves because they are the ones we just can't shake. Thank you for putting this out there.
